Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A quick list of Hypermedia for REST Articles

Hyper-Media APIs by @jvelilla on @scoopit

Will try and bring in the articles curated by @jvelilla here.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

When is Your API NOT RESTful?

Five Clues That Your API isn't RESTful

  • It has a single endpoint

  • All requests are POSTs
  • Response metadata is in the body, not header
  • There are verbs in the URL
  • The URL includes method names
  • Do We Care About RESTfulness?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What does REST really mean?

ReSTful web services have been popular for some time, yet still today there is confusion about what it means.  Some will say it is a web service that doesn’t use SOAP standards, others will argue it has to do with using HTTP’s PUT and DELETE methods along with their more popular siblings GET and POST, and still others will argue it has to do with an even more confusing acronym HATEOAS.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on what it means, and the only thing that is clear is that they are talking about different things.  Which is fairly ironic considering the term is an acronym for a pretty clear idea and its spelled out fairly clearly in Roy Fielding’s paper.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


With the spread of open source, we are witnessing the building of an API economy that is based on the principle of developer-first--putting your target developers’ interests ahead of all other considerations when setting out to design a great API. By building on top of APIs that are designed with the developers’ interests at heart, you are able to save you and your developers a lot of work while laying down the building blocks for others to build on top of.